There are a number of low-budget, no-needles strategies to make skin glow and get rid of the crumpled-paper-bag look
Don’t spend lots of money on fancy creams; instead, give your face a vigorous nightly massage with a really good facial oil.
Argan oil would be my choice: naturally rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, it has been used for centuries by Berber tribeswomen to soften hair and nourish skin and nails: there’s nothing quite like it for tackling that morning crumpled-paper-bag look.
Take it all over the face and down on to your chest area – and give the hands and elbows a good going-over, too.
Wild Wood Groves ( is run by the acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist Ruth Hajioff, who imports her own argan from Morocco. My favourites are the Rose and Frankincense Oil and the Baby Blend, which is very mild and particularly suited to teenage skins.
Sarah Vine writing for The Times