
  • "Argan oil is the most extraordinary product I have come across. My 2 year old suffers from sporadic raw red eczema and nothing has helped. The first time he had it all over his stomach for months and months, within 2 days of using the oil the redness had gone and within three he was completely cured- it has never returned."
    Sarita Cameron
  • This cleansing bar is amazing, got it as a gift with the Rose and Frankincense facial oil a while ago but only just got round to trying it. Wow! Takes off all my makeup, better than my usual cleanser and my skin feels brilliant after, soft and clean. The extra benefit is its softening my hands at the same time. Will be getting more of this, its brilliant!!!
  • "I truly did not expect to be so bowled over by such a simple product. The improvement in my skin tone & texture has been exceptional. After about 3wks of use I began to receive many comments about my skin and I could quite clearly see the difference myself. I have never experienced this with any other product I have used and have tried many face products over the years, expensive & inexpensive but nothing has come close."
  • "It fills the bathroom with the heady aromas of rosemary lavender and rose and leaves my skin amazingly soft and supple. I never go travelling without a bottle."
    Caroline Finnigan
  • "The Wild Wood Groves Rose oil is still the best product to ever grace my skin"   S. Moloney
  • Nothing compares to the skin softening properties of this serum. It calms my skin and has a delicious fragrance’  'Here's Health'
    Night creams tested! Wild Wood Groves Argan 10/10 April 2004
  • We’ve been using your Argan oil on salads for about 5 years now – great stuff, tasty and SO healthy! Plus I personally swear by your Cactus Seed and Argan Rescue serum oil. Wonderful products, great company. T.D.
  • I have been using Wild Wood Groves Rose & Frankincense Argan oil since 2010. It cleared up a long standing skin condition when all else had failed. To me it is quite simply indispensable and always a pleasure to use.
    Rose Gardiner
  • I used this as an intensive overnight moisturizer after I’d been in the sun all day- it was brilliant. 'Here's Health'
    Tried and tested. Wild Wood Groves Argan *STAR BUY* Sept 2003
  • "I travel a lot and work in extreme environments and have even used my precious oil on grateful colleagues who have burnt themselves in the sun! I can honestly say that this is the best beauty product I own."
    Caroline Finnigan
  • "Thank you again for the lavender Argan oil, it is lovely. I am treating myself to your Rescue eye serum and cream. Your Argan rescue serum is the most wonderful (and soothing) skin product that I have ever used and at 62 I have used quite a few! It is pure bliss!"
    Christine P
  • I spent my 30s spending hundreds of pounds on the latest 'proven to work' super creams, potions, etc and also admit to trying Botox ..... Then I discovered Ruth and now in my forties, my skin and overall health and well being are better than ever. I'm also saving so much money and time as I've binned all the bottles! My skin only requires a 'Ruth blend' which is 100% natural and comes in one tiny bottle ... Morning, night, winter, summer ... Nothing else is needed to keep my skin supple, lifted, moisturised and glowing. As for any signs of ageing I've replaced Botox with a 'Ruth session'. The tiny, painless facial needles have smoothed away lines and her mini facial lifts and plumps whilst optional needles are given to body points to release anything you may be struggling with that day ... Fatigue, stress, anxiety.
    It’s great when friends ask what I'm doing to make my skin look so fresh and radiant when they know I'm a caffeine and prosecco addict!  Saskia W.
  • "I recently bought a small bottle of the jasmine-scented argan oil for face from you and I just wanted to tell you how much I love it. And the postage was super quick which made me really happy! I'm definitely going to be ordering more of your products soon."
  • "I love, love, love Wild Wood Groves' Argan oil blends. The lavender is magical in the bath and the baby blend is perfect for even the most temperamental of skins."
    Sophie Dahl
  • "I cannot praise this argan/aromatherapy oil highly enough. I had my legs waxed recently and the beauty therapist remarked on how firm my skin was. I said I body brushed every day and massaged with argan oil. There can be no doubt that my skin is they way it is because of my regime and because of including in it Ruth's wonderful creation."
    Caroline Finnigan
  • "I have been using your Argan Rescue Serum for a year now and must say that it has made my skin wonderfully soft and clear. I am 63 so my skin, especially on my neck, needs a lot of hydration. The serum really makes a lot of difference and goes a long way. I can't live without it now!"
  • "When I am feeling decadent I put it on my face at night and my skin feels much softer the next day! I would recommend this oil to anyone."
    Sarita Cameron
  • I love the facial oil and also the hair oil, both great but the cleansing bar really blew me away. I love your products and really admire your whole ethic regarding the quality and the way your ingredients are sourced. I must admit I have always just gone along with the crowd but a couple of years ago I had something of an epiphany and started to look at what was actually going into all the rubbish I was piling onto my skin. It's pretty horrible when you start digging around, bad ingredients, mass marketing, exploitation and animal cruelty. I'm sure you are well aware, so I am very grateful that there are people like you who actually care about what they create and the implications of production. Thank you very much. S.K.


Wild Wood Groves Argan oil is 100% pure and produced at our own dedicated workshop in the heart of the Argan region.

It is ethically-traded and sustainably sourced throughout.

Traditionally used by Berber women to nourish their hair skin and nails, Argan oil is a pure natural skin food.

Use Argan oil instead of any other moisturisers; a few drops warmed in the fingertips twice daily is all you need to protect and soften your skin.

Vitamin E and other anti-oxidants in Argan oil protect your skin from environmental damage, while naturally present plant sterols cool soothe and reduce inflammation in skin that has been exposed to the elements.

The anti-ageing properties of Argan are well documented. It reduces fine lines by restoring fluids to the lipid layer. while saponins soften and nourish the upper layers of the skin.

Argan food oil is 80% unsaturated and contains eight essential fatty acids and more than double the vitamin E of olive oil.

It is rich in anti-oxidants also containing rare plant sterols not found in other vegetable oils. These have anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial for arthritic or rheumatic conditions and many others.

Most of all, the rich, nutty and smoky flavour of Argan oil is delicious on green salads, tomatoes, stirred into pasta or drizzled into soups, with couscous, or simply as a dip for freshly baked bread. It is also fantastic on porridge, a favourite of mine, or added to yoghurt and smoothies.

Try some of our delicious recipes

Find out more about this amazing oil

Argan – Moroccan heritage

Ruth Hajioff - Founder of Wild Wood Groves

My passion for argan

began in 2000 when I visited Morocco to study Moroccan herbal medicine having heard of a renowned herbalist who had practiced his art for 45 years. He looked like a medieval wizard with his flowing white robes topped by a fez. We struck up a rapport immediately.

As a Chinese herbalist it was fascinating to compare our two disciplines. This is where I was introduced to argan oil and here my passion for this unique product began…

Learn more about Ruth’s journey of discovery

Ruth is a fully qualified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been in practise for over 20 years. If you would like to find out how acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine can help you, call her on 020 8448 4048 or 07831 551001. Also available is Ruth’s own system of Holistic Facial Rejuvenation which is safe, effective and painless. Learn more about it here

photography by Clay Perry

Read more in my book entitled “Argan the Sacred Grove” available here to download for free 

‘This book is about the discovery of Argan oil, its properties, unique history and the work being done to preserve the habitat of the Argan tree which provides this extraordinary elixir and staple of the Berbers.”

Review – Argan oil has almost magical properties for health and beauty and this little book describes it fully showing that science also backs up its claims. Also described is how the oil is now produced by women in cooperatives thus improving their lives making them economically sufficient. I live in Morocco so found the book both an accurate and a warm description of this wonderful thorny tree and the only land where the tree grows.

Argan-The Sacred Grove - Ruth Hajioff


Buy 100% Pure Argan Skincare and Food Oils

All our products are fairly traded and ethically produced, so you can feel as good on the inside as you do on the outside.

Visit our Argan Shop

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