Salade d'Oranges aux Olives (Orange Salad with Olives)

Reproduced with kind permission of Claudia Roden from 'The Book of Jewish Food' from Viking press.

Salade d’Oranges aux Olives (Orange Salad with Olives)

Reproduced with kind permission of Claudia Roden from ‘The Book of Jewish Food’ from Viking press.

Serves 6

This famous Moroccan salad is best made with slightly sour or bitter oranges – though sweet ones will do – and with the rare Argan oil. Argan oil, which the Jews of Essaouira traditionally use, gives the oranges a distinctive taste.


  • 4 oranges
  • juice of 1 lemon or 2-3 tablespoons
  • 3 tablespoons Argan oil 
  • 3 garlic cloves, crushed in a press or finely
  • chopped salt
  • a handful of black olives I teaspoon cumin (optional) I teaspoon paprika pinch of cayenne or chilli powder (optional)


Peel the oranges, removing the pith. Cut them into slices and then into pieces. Dress with a mixture of lemon juice, oil, garlic and salt and add the olives. Serve sprinkled with cumin (if using), paprika and cayenne pepper.

For an orange and radish salad, mix with a bunch of sliced radishes and dress as above.